
Oct 16 - Oct 17, 2014

19th ISfTeH International Conference - 5th Carrefour de la Télésanté

Paris, France

These WoW menbers will participate in the conference:

Veronique-Ines Thouvenot
Head, Women and eHealth (WeHealth) International Working Group, Millennia2025 Foundation

Anna E. Schmaus-Klughammer
Klughammer GmbH, CEO
One World Medical Network, President

Following in the footsteps of Japan, Nigeria, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Russia… France will host the 19th ISfTeH Annual International Conference on 16th and 17th October 2014 during the 5th eHealth Forum «Carrefour de la Télésanté». This first-rate conference will be an opportunity for worldwide contributors to share experiences: 400 multidisciplinary participants are expected to take part in this world-class conference and in the meeting and exchange forum during those 2 days. The event is jointly organized by CATEL, the French Network for eHealth providers, and the ISfTeH, the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, and will take place at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie in Paris.

The conferences will be fully and simultaneously translated into French and English.

9th - 11th April 2014

Med-e-Tel 2014


For Education, Networking and Business
9th - 11th April 2014 in Luxembourg

The following members of the Group Working Group on Women (WoW) will participate:

Veronique-Ines Thouvenot
Head, Women and eHealth (WeHealth) International Working Group, Millennia2025 Foundation

  • Opening Ceremony
  • e-Prevention in LAC and Caribbean
  • Women, eHealth and Telemedicine at all Ages of Life: From Birth to Old Age
  • Observing Telemedicine and eHealth for Women At All Ages of Life: The WeObservatory

Lenka Lhotska
Czech Technical University Prague, Czech Republic

  • IT and Engineering Education: How to Make It More Attractive for Women
  • User Involvement and Adaptability of the Systems

Anna E. Schmaus-Klughammer
Klughammer GmbH, CEO
One World Medical Network, President

  • Distance Medical Education: Produce and publish your own lectures on the web (Presentation and Workshop)

11th April 2014

Distance Medical Education: Produce and Publish your own Lectures on the Web

09:00-10:30 - Conference Room 5

A Workshop about publishing and producing lectures on the web will be held during the Med-e-Tel congress in Luxembourg on Friday, 11th April, at 9.00 h a.m. in the conference room no. 5. The workshop will be held by Anna E. Schmaus-Klughammer (from Klughammer, Germany), member of the ISfTeH Working Group on Women.

During the workshop participants will hear how eLearning can improve the quality of health care in developing countries. eLearning is the use of electronic media and information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. Distance education for adults will be discussed with the participants. After a comparison about the health care situation in different developing countries a curriculum will be created. Nowadays most lectures provided for eLearning are videos. During the workshop we will discuss the advantages of videos and of stored written lectures on a web-based platform. A third way of presentation will be introduced. This so-called „Live presentation“ combines the presentation of stored lectures and a live videoconference. During a live videoconference the health personal may discuss with the lecturer and simultaneous presentation of stored lectures. If only stored lectures will be used medical personal has access to the lectures at any time, from any place. The availability of medical information will be important for emergency cases or for any other medical issues. Therefore it will be an issue to find out how lectures should be produced and on which eLearning platforms they should be published to give access through a computer, a tablet PC or a smart phone for medical personal. An introduction into the web-based platform CampusMedicus will show how lectures for eLearning can be produced and published by people without knowledge in IT or video production and without any special hardware.

Different organizations use eLearning for cervical cancer screening and CampusMedicus in developing countries. Results will be discussed.

18th November 2013

Curso Introducción a la Informática en Salud y Telemedicina (40 horas virtuales)

El curso Introducción a la Informática en Salud y a la Telemedicin a es un curso básico que tiene como objetivo introducir el tema y sus aplicaciones a profesionales de varias áreas de la salud y de la informática. Al final del curso, el/la alumno/a podrá:

  1. Describir lo que es la informática en salud y la telemedicina;

  2. Describir las diferentes aplicaciones de la informática en salud y la telemedicina en los sistemas de salud y dentro del concepto del uso de la tecnología en salud para el desarrollo social;

  3. Conocer la manera con que se están utilizando las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) para la salud en Panamá y en el mundo.

Tenemos el placer de informarles que en nuestro curso de Introducción a la Informática en Salud y Telemedicina contaremos también con dos co-profesores además del al Dr. Renato Sabbatini: la Dra. Arletty Pinel por parte de la Facultad de Medicina de la universidad de Panamá y el Profesor Victor Lopez de la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá.


Cupos limitados!

9th - 11th April 2014

Med-e-Tel 2014

Med-e-Tel is an event of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH). The congress will take place in Luxembourg from 9th - 11th April 2014. The Working Group on Women seeks for an increased participation of women during the Med-e-Tel congress.

For the upcoming Med-e-Tel congress in 2014, the Working Group of Women has issued a call to submit abstracts for presentations from women and research groups working on eHealth and Telemedicine. Submissions can address the themes of the upcoming conference: "Women, eHealth and Telemedicine at all ages of life: from birth to elderly"

Send an abstract

Registration fees and conditions